Commentary News — 25 January 2016

Katie Packer, a former aide to 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney, recently founded the super PAC, Our Principles PAC…and it dropped a nuclear payload square on Donald Trump’s head just days before the Iowa Caucuses.

If you’ve been listening to The Mo’Kelly Show, I’ve made mention of most of the content contained in this video below.  His positions were well-known and well-repeated for many years.  The only surprise was that Republicans were taking Trump seriously in the past six months and or didn’t seem to mind or remember.

For all the bluster of candidates like Rand Paul or Chris Christie being “RINOs” or Jeb Bush being “too moderate” you would think the contents of this video would enrage genuine conservatives.

We shall see…

Donald Trump is a master at making the deal, which often times includes saying anything and everything to close the deal.  A person is most honest when there is nothing to be gained, no deal on the table, no negotiation in which to navigate.

If you wish to believe that Donald Trump represents core conservative values or has any allegiance to the Republican Party…you go right ahead and keep on believing it.  There’s SO MUCH MORE from where this originated.

If Mitt Romney was known for “flip-flopping” then he doesn’t hold a candle to this man.

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Morris W. O'Kelly (Mo'Kelly) is a columnist, radio and television commentator. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo'Kelly. Find him on social media - @mrmokelly

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