Commentary News — 21 August 2015

This is not the perfect plan but it’s far better than anything else which has been floated in the public sphere up until now.

Whereas I disagree with the premise that a broad platform is sustainable over the long haul given finite social capital resources; it at the minimum channels the fight into specific areas. The caveat with all goals is that they must be prioritized, not just identified.

At the risk of oversimplification, social justice goals should be treated like new year resolutions. If you have 12 of them, you are more likely to keep/achieve none of them. Have a select, pointed and focused few. It allows everyone to see the big picture by way of the smaller mosaics which comprise it.

Parallel:  End obesity in America (way too big, way too abstract).

Better: Create tax incentives for grocery stores to build in economically depressed areas (more focused, tangible goal).

Make sure there is a progression, an order of attack with tangible and measurable progress along the way. A should lead to B, then to C…etc.  A through Z can’t be accomplished simultaneously.  In #CampaignZero the pillars have been established and that’s what’s most important.  The details can be fine-tuned (which I say they must be).

In my perfect world, there would only be three initial points of attack.

  1. Body cams for all officers in law enforcement agencies. (If they have guns, they must also have cameras)
  2. civilian oversight for all law enforcement agencies
  3. independent agencies investigate alleged misconduct (not local prosecutors)

Everything after that is negotiable.  But as they say…”first things, first.”

The next trick is making sure that a unified message derived from any campaign can be expressed succinctly in the media. That’s where the laser focus comes in. It’s hard to communicate a plan, strategy and goals by referring someone to a very involved website requiring lots of reading.  It needs to be a message that can be easily communicated to a presidential candidate in his/her presence.  It must be consistent and the purveyors must stay on message at all times, not all over the place as we’ve seen (which goes back to focus in goal-setting).

At the end of it all, #CampaignZero is a good start; a good step in the right direction. Just remember, more is required than simply a step in the right direction. We also have to make sure we’re walking in a straight line and not merely meandering in the general direction.

Those are my two cents.

More later, but I can say I support #JoinCampaignZero.  Click on image below for details or visit




About Author


Morris W. O'Kelly (Mo'Kelly) is a columnist, radio and television commentator. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo'Kelly. Find him on social media - @mrmokelly

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