Commentary — 05 August 2011

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Here in part two of my two-part conversation with Sharon Song Byrd, we go in-

Sharon Song Byrd

depth as to the professional relationship between Tony Wafford and Rev. Al Sharpton and his recent public response penned by Sharpton in response to Song Byrd.

Publicly, Rev. Sharpton has alleged and intimated that Song Byrd’s motivations are connected to money in the form of a threat of a future lawsuit of the National Action Network. Song Byrd responds clearly and resoundingly in this part of our conversation and also gives further insight to back-channel communications between her, the National Action Network and community activist Najee Ali.

There are a number of oddities and irregularities in the public responses from the National Action Network. In emails sent by Rachel Noerdlinger of NAN and published here in The Mo’Kelly Report , Noerdlinger offered privileged information from the case and argumentation verbatim presented by Tony Wafford’s attorney during the proceedings. Seemingly this was done in an attempt to discredit Song Byrd.

It struck Mo’Kelly as highly odd how the National Action Network could on one hand claim ignorance of the proceedings, yet take an active stance in siding with Wafford by using information provided to them via his lawyer. It’s a one-foot-in, one-foot-out approach. If NAN was truly unaware of the case, and the affairs of Wayford relative to the case are completely unrelated to NAN, then the emails and posturing are contradictory at best, sinister at worst.

Today in  The Mo’Kelly Report we present Part Two of Sharon Song Byrd…in Her Own Words. Listen and decide for yourself.

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Morris W. O'Kelly (Mo'Kelly) is a columnist, radio and television commentator. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo'Kelly. Find him on social media - @mrmokelly

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