Commentary — 24 June 2011

We have no other authority but to pray,” said the prominent

"That Mo'Kelly is getting on my last damn nerve. But I have no authority. It's up to his board and membership."

megachurch pastor before he took the stage at McDonald’s Gospelfest event Saturday in Newark, N.J.

“The New Birth church is a church unto itself who has a board and it has a membership. How they choose to handle their leadership issues it’s not something that we can control regardless of which side you stay on that issue. It is their church issue and their responsibility and their response,” said Bishop Jakes.

“And I’m saying what I always said that we should just keep on praying for the New Birth church family.” Source: Christian Post

There is not really anything Mo’Kelly can say here.  If you don’t see how Jakes is protecting and covering for Bishop Eddie Long, that’s a you problem.

This is not a “leadership” issue, it’s a Body of Christ issue.  It is an iniquity issue which is not bound by any denomination or church constitutional bylaws.  Maybe T.D. Jakes forgot that he is the head and not the tail.  Maybe someone needs to sit him down and explain to him spiritual authority.

Just maybe…

The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published at The Huffington Post and For the most recent posts of Mr. Mo’Kelly, visit  Mr. Mo’Kelly can be reached: [email protected].

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Morris W. O'Kelly (Mo'Kelly) is a columnist, radio and television commentator. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo'Kelly. Find him on social media - @mrmokelly

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