Commentary — 06 June 2011

Hat tip to NotYourTypicalNegro…

The subtitles in the video say just about everything Mr. Mo’Kelly needs to say.  But here are a few additions.  They will make sense as you watch the video.

Not all “wrecks” are the same, yet ALL wrecks involve assessment of fault/blame.

Some wrecks are due to negligence.

Some wrecks result in homicide.

Some wrecks mean one’s “driving license” is rightfully taken away and along with it any future driving privileges.

Some wrecks require restitution for the damage and injuries inflicted by the responsible party.

Some wrecks result in the offending parties being taken to jail.

This “sermon” is laughable…absolutely laughable.  Sounds like he’s preparing his own congregation for his eventual or inevitable “wreck.”

The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published at The Huffington Post and For more Mo’Kelly, Mr. Mo’Kelly can be reached at [email protected].

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Morris W. O'Kelly (Mo'Kelly) is a columnist, radio and television commentator. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo'Kelly. Find him on social media - @mrmokelly

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