Commentary — 29 July 2010

This is interesting.  This could change the way the game is played on the internet.  There’s a reason (or multiple ones actually) as to why Mo’Kelly always requires documentation and/or validation of claims…and this is one of them.  There’s a GOOD reason why Barbara A. McKinzie, El DeBarge, Juanita Bynum et. al have never dared to try to sue Mr. Mo’Kelly.  Mo’Kelly keeps everything on the up and up, relying on un-manipulated documentation and evidence.

Of course any site worth its salt wishes to be accurate.  People don’t have to agree with your argumentation or inherent biases but that’s something different.  There’s a clear distinction between intellectual dishonesty and ACTUAL dishonesty.  It’s usually the difference between an opinion and an opening to get sued.

Andrew Breitbart

Breitbart evidently has no one else to blame for the edited video he posted regarding Shirley Sherrod…and so she’s threatening to sue him for his “questionable” editorial judgment.  Mo’Kelly would do the same.

This isn’t a discussion of racism, it’s fraud, for lack of a better word.  Don’t let someone “spin” this into a discussion of the NAACP V. the Tea Party.  The issue here is the CONSCIOUS misrepresentation of a (then) USDA official in the hopes of embarrassing the Obama administration.  The lawsuit obviously would contend it was done with forethought and malice.

Nonetheless it backfired…

Don’t let random “commenters” change the subject here.  This is now about Breitbart’s actions, not Shirley Sherrod’s words or the Obama administration’s handling of the incident.  The only person who was fraudulent in this equation was Breitbart and that is not wrapped in any political ideology.

Right is right and wrong is wrong.

If you have to fraudulently edit someone’s video in order to “justify” calling someone a racist…and you get caught/called-out doing it, that’s not a partisan debate, that’s a moral and ethical one.

If someone were to cut up a video or audio in a way which leads to Mo’Kelly’s wrongful termination or loss of income and reputation…by all means, you get sued.  A high-profile, high compensation lawsuit could signal a sea change in the news reporting world for bloggers.


Full story HERE.

The Mo’Kelly Report is an entertainment journal with a political slant; published at The Huffington Post and  It is meant to inform, infuse and incite meaningful discourse…as well as entertain. For more Mo’Kelly, Mr. Mo’Kelly can be reached at [email protected].


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Morris W. O'Kelly (Mo'Kelly) is a columnist, radio and television commentator. Visit for the latest from Mr. Mo'Kelly. Find him on social media - @mrmokelly

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